Monday, 9 April 2012

Achieving emotional freedom...

Fears and phobias, anxiety, stomach disorders, migraines and post-traumatic stress disorder… these are just a few of the things which have been treated using something called ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ (EFT). EFT is a relatively new treatment developed in 1997 by Gary Craig who studied the work of Dr Roger Callahan in the 1970’s (Thought Field Therapy), which was rooted in ancient eastern “meridian energy” theories of acupuncture and shiatsu. These therapies claim that our bodies contain invisible energy pathways – meridians – and identified hundreds of ‘acupoints’ at junctions along these pathways. These can be disrupted by life’s traumas resulting in not only emotional but also physical problems. As a result EFT is often referred to as a cousin to acupuncture, a well-respected discipline over 5000 years old (but without the needles!).

In recent years, EFT has provided many people across the world relief from pain, disease and emotional difficulties. It has been successfully used in the UK for over 10 years now and has a rapidly growing following, particularly in the field of complementary medicine.

So what is EFT? In short, it is an emotional healing technique which is also capable of relieving many physical symptoms. When used to help physical problems, people are releasing the emotional memories associated with the symptom. Once the stress response of these memories is reduced, the body has a chance to heal. It is universally accepted that the thoughts and feelings we have make a major contribution to our physical well-being - there is a strong association between emotional stress and disease. Stress is often symptomatic of many chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart disease and IBS to name but a few. Clearly this gives further weight to the statement:

"Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."

In other words ‘we are what we think’…

So what happens in EFT? Points on the hands and face are stimulated by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorise and requires no special equipment so you can practice it anywhere. EFT is such a versatile therapy and so simple, it can even be done over the telephone or through don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home.

EFT often works when nothing else will ... There are many scientific studies of EFT for depression, anxiety, and other psychological problems and they show that people who use EFT recover very quickly, often in just a few sessions. It has also been widely used to help overcome post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and it has been very successfully used with soldiers returning from war who have found their traumatic symptoms rapidly diminish after just one session of EFT (case studies can be found in the news).

EFT has also been used to help sports performance, school performance and physical performance. When the anxieties that claim a large part of someone’s attention are removed, their full capacities can be focused on the task at hand.

If you would like to find out how EFT could help you, then please give me a ring or drop me an email.

01252 334377
07527 576245

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