Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Does Hypnotherapy Work?

I wanted to write a quick post about this question as it is something which I am asked all the time by new and potential clients.

The short answer is yes, the studies have shown that it most definitely does work... but  you must WANT it to work. For example to stop smoking you must first 'want to' stop, for it to be successful. When a client calls me regarding stopping smoking, I always first ask, 'on a scale of 1-10 how much do you want to stop smoking?' If the answer is not '8' or above, it is usually an indication that they are not ready to stop.

Most people can be successful using hypnosis as long as they follow my guidance, accept my suggestions and practice the techniques I will teach them... in other words, fully commit to the process. It's like anything else; you get out of it what you put into it. Even though with my hypnosis sessions I help, empower, persuade and in many cases give my clients a different perspective (e.g. how to talk to themselves in a more beneficial way, to manage their thoughts, etc.), I cannot of course take away free will, nor would I wish to. You are the one in control of your own  mind - all I can do is suggest a better way of thinking, feeling or behaving for your own benefit.

My clients who get the most benefit from hypnotherapy are the ones who arrive with the knowledge that they have to want to make a change and that this change is not something to be entered into half-heartedly. And they leave feeling extremely successful because they know they worked really hard and practiced the techniques I taught them. And this is my ultimate aim - to help my clients go away feeling they have the skills they now need to continue forward with a positive direction in their lives.

Hypnosis can help with stopping smoking, weight control, stress management, overcoming fears, boosting confidence and much more. For a personal consultation, please feel free to email me on or call 01252 334377.

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